
I am a professional organizer on Cape Cod, MA, who can help with all your organizing and moving needs.  Getting organized, and staying organized, can be a daunting task, but when completed, can make life so much easier.  When trying to do it by yourself, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and give up, but with support it becomes more manageable.

Many people lose precious time looking for items around the home or office – paperwork, keys, etc., and spend needed financial resources either buying duplicate items of things they already have somewhere in their home, or storing excess items in self storage areas.

Living with disorganization can also cause anxiety, as deadlines loom or relationships suffer due to differences in clutter tolerance between house or office mates.  Family members worry about their loved ones living in less than optimal conditions due to an excess of possessions.

Helping aging parents maintain an organized home can be a challenge for adult children who either lead busy lives or live at a distance from their parents, or perhaps family dynamics make it difficult to provide assistance without conflict.

In the event someone needs to downsize or move to assisted living, sorting through precious possessions to decide what can be kept and what needs to be given to family/friends, sold, donated, thrown away can be an overwhelming and stressful process.

If any of these situations seem familiar, but the solution seems elusive, consider accepting outside help to make the task of reorganizing easier.  I can help:

  • sort through possessions
  • assist the decision as to what to keep, give away, sell or donate
  • make arrangements to dispose of items not being kept
  • list items for sale on
  • re-organize items that are being retained
  • pack up and label items for storage

From attics to basements, garages and sheds, don’t let your possessions own you!  Make this the year you streamline your surroundings to make your life less stressful.